1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Nina Torm

Former Personal Assistant to the Director

Nina Torm joined UNRISD as Assistant to the Director in December 2003 and was involved in a number of projects including the project on Social Policy in a Development Context, undertaken by the Institute's Director. Prior to coming to UNRISD, Nina worked for two years at the International Labour Organization, after completing her MSc. in International Development at the University of Bath, England. At the ILO, her research focused mainly on growth, employment and poverty issues leading to the publication of a discussion paper entitled ‘The Nexus of Economic Growth, Employment and Poverty during Economic Transition: An Analysis of Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan’. This paper can be found by clicking on Weblinks on the right.
Nina left the UNRISD in December 2006.