1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Maria Cielo Magno-Gatmaytan

Former Collaborating Researcher

Maria Cielo Magno-Gatmaytan collaborated with UNRISD for the project Mobilizing Revenues from Extractive Industries: Protecting and Promoting Children’s Rights and Well-Being in Resource-Rich Countries, as part of the research team for Philippines.
At the time of her collaboration, she was National Coordinator of Bantay Kita, a coalition of NGOs advocating transparency and accountability in the extractive industry. She was also an Assistant Professor in the School of Economics of the University of the Philippines Diliman and a fellow of Action for Economic Reforms and Social Watch Philippines. Previously she worked as a Local Governance Specialist at World Bank Philippines and a consultant for Growth with Equity in Mindanao and the Accelerating Growth Investment and Liberalization with Equity (AGILE) programs of USAID.