1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Fernando Filgueira

Former Collaborating Researcher

Fernando Filgueira collaborated with UNRISD for the project inception workshop for New Directions in Social Policy, 2014. For the workshop, he wrote the draft paper “The Politics and Policies of Social Incorporation in Latin America".
He also collaborated with UNRISD for the projects Political and Social Economy of Care, 2006-2009, and Social Policy and Democratization, 2002-2005, for the latter, he authored a draft paper.

Fernando Filgueira has a Masters degree and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Northwestern, USA. At the time of his collaboration with UNRISD, he was the coordinator of the Evaluation program in Education Management at the Research Unit of the National Administration of Public Education in Uruguay and academic coordinator at the Research Institute of Integration, Poverty and Social Exclusion at the Catholic University.

Filgueira has published several books and articles in journals specialized in the fields of social policies, poverty and development models in Latin America, USA and Europe.