1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Andrea Cornwall

Former Collaborating Researcher

Andrea Cornwall was collaborating with UNRISD on the Think Piece Series “Let's Talk about Women's Rights: 20 Years after the Beijing Platform for Action”. She wrote a think piece with the title "How Feminist Activism Can Make States More Accountable for Women’s Rights" together with Jenny Edwards. She also collaborated with UNRISD on the Overarching Concerns Programme and co-authored a paper: Beyond Buzzwords: "Poverty Reduction”, “Participation” and “Empowerment” in Development Policy, 2005.
At the time of this collaboration, she was Professor of Anthropology and International Development at Sussex University. A social anthropologist by training, she has worked as a practitioner and academic in gender and participation for many years. Her publications include Dislocating Masculinity: Comparative Ethnographies (coedited with Nanacy Lindisfarne, Routledge 1994), "Gender, Participation and the Politics of Difference" (in Guijt and Kaul Shah 1998), and "Missing Men: Reflections on Men, Masculinities and Gender and Development" (IDS Bulletin 2000).