1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Sudheesh Ramapurath

Former Intern (Research)

Sudheesh Ramapurath worked at UNRISD from October 2013 to January 2014. He assisted Magdalena Sepulveda, an UNRISD Visiting Research Fellow and the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, on the project Linking Social Protection and Human Rights.

Sudheesh has an MSc in Social Policy & Development from the London School of Economics and an Integrated MA in Development Studies from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. His dissertations at LSE and IIT Madras have respectively explored the shaping of state-subaltern dynamics by the Forest Rights Act of India 2006, and the boundaries of a transformative tribal politics in the implementation of the Act in the forests of Wayanad, Kerala.

He has previously done research internships with UNICEF (gender dimensions of ICT in rural Karnataka), Sustainability Centre Bremen (climate change vulnerability of Indo-German cotton value-chain), Institute of Financial Management & Research in Chennai (Volunteered Geographic Information in urban planning for Chennai city), Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (urban renewal policies and slum redevelopment in Bangalore city), Kudumbashree (microfinance for women’s empowerment in rural Kerala) and Child Rights & You in Chennai (Right to Education in a tsunami rehabilitation township in Tamil Nadu).

  • 2013. “Decentralisation, Participation and Boundaries of Transformation: Forest Right Act, Wayanad, India.” Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance, 12: 51-68
  • 2013. “Sexual Rights, Gender Budgeting and Policy-Making against Trafficking: the Case of Ujjwala Policy in India.” Asian Journal of Public Affairs, 6(1): 211-228,
  • 2013. “Narrative Paradoxes in India’s HIV/AIDS Policy.” LSE Catalyst, 1:31-37
  • 2012. One Teacher Schools and Alternative Education? RTE Thinks Not. The Alternative, 12 July
  • 2012. With Rozina Hajiani, Sophie Sidhu and Won ki Hong. Kishori Chithrapata: Empowering Adolescent Drop-Out Girls through ICTs. New Delhi: UNICEF
  • 2011. Greening through REDDing: Why India should not hasten to implement REDD+. Indiana University Digital Library of the Commons
  • 2009. Sheltering Bangalore’s Slum Dwellers. Bangalore: Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore