1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Meredeth Turshen

Former Collaborating Researcher

Meredeth Turshen was collaborating with UNRISD on the Think Piece Series “Let's Talk about Women's Rights: 20 Years after the Beijing Platform for Action”. She wrote a think piece with the title "Women, War and Peace in Africa: A Reflection on the Past 20 Years".
At the time of this collaboration, Meredeth Turshen was Professor at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University, holds a D. Phil. in comparative politics from the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom. She has written four books: The Political Ecology of Disease in Tanzania, The Politics of Public Health, Privatizing Health Services in Africa, and Women’s Health Movements: A Global Force for Change, and is currently working on a fifth, Gender and the Political Economy of Conflict in Africa: The Persistence of Violence. She has also edited six volumes: Women and Health in Africa, Women’s Lives and Public Policy: The International Experience, What Women Do in Wartime: Gender and Conflict in Africa (published in French as Ce que font les femmes en temps de guerre: Genre et conflit en Afrique), African Women’s Health, The Aftermath: Women in Postconflict Transformation, and African Women: A Political Economy.