1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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James Heintz

Former Collaborating Researcher

James Heintz collaborated with UNRISD on the flagship report, Combating Poverty and Inequality (2010) and with the Programme on Gender and Development. He contributed two background papers for the flagship report, "Employment, economic development, and poverty reduction: Critical issues and policy challenges" and "The employment and poverty connection: Gender-disaggregated data analysis for six countries".
At the time of his collaboration, James Heintz was Research Professor at the Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, United States.

His publications include:

with Radhika Balakrishnan and Diane Elson. 2011. "Financial regulation, capabilities and human rights in the US financial crisis: The case of housing." Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 12(1): 153-68.

with Stephanie Seguino. 2010. "Contractionary monetary policy and the dynamics of US race and gender stratification." American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 71(3).

with Robert Pollin and Mwangi wa Githinji. 2008. An Employment-Targeted Economic Program for Kenya. Aldershot and Northampton: Elgar.