1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Cherryl Walker

Former Collaborating Researcher

Cherryl Walker collaborated with UNRISD for the projects Agrarian Change, Gender and Land Rights (2000-2002) and Gender Poverty and Well-being (1997-1999), for which she authored papers Agrarian Change, Gender and Land Reform: A South African Case Study (2002), Land Reform and Gender in Post-Apartheid South Africa (1998), and wrote a draft paper Piety in the Sky? Gender Policy and Land Reform in South Africa. At the time of her collaboration, Walker worked as an independent researcher working on issues of rural and community development; South African society & history; land reform; and gender policy. Previously, she served as Regional Land Claims Commissioner for the province of KwaZulu Natal on the Commission for Restitution of Land Rights. She also lectured at the University of Natal, Durban; and worked in the NGO sector in South Africa on land and human rights issues. She is the author of Women and Resistance in South Africa (1982 and 1991) and, with Laurine Platkzky, The Surplus People. Forced Removals in South Africa (1985), and the editor of Women and Gender in Southern Africa to 1945 (1990).