1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Carmelo Mesa-Lago

Former Collaborating Researcher

Carmelo Mesa-Lago collaborated with UNRISD for the flagship report Combating Poverty and Inequality (2006-2010). He wrote a paper on Models of Development, Social Policy and Reform in Latin America and authored a publication Social Insurance (Pensions and Health), Labour Markets and Coverage in Latin America (2008). At the time of his collaboration, he was a Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Economics and Latin America at the University of Pittsburgh, USA. He is the author of 58 books and more than 200 articles/chapters in books on social security and health care, and comparative economic systems, published in 8 languages in 33 countries, including Market, Socialist and Mixed Economies: Comparative Policy and Performance--Chile, Cuba and Costa Rica (Johns Hopkins, 2000).