1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Farida Shaheed

Former Collaborating Researcher

Farida Shaheed is a long-time UNRISD collaborator and was part of the Pakistan country-level research team for the Religion, Politics and Gender Equality project (2007-2009) and authored the article Contested Identities: Gendered Politics, Gendered Religion in Pakistan for the special edition of Third World Quarterly in 2010. This article has since been translated into French and published in a special issue of Cahier du Genre entitled Religion et politique: Les femmes prises au piège (2012). She was also interviewed by UNRISD on the occasion of International Women’s Day in 2012 and featured in the eBulletin.
Shaheed is a sociologist with over 25 years’ research experience on women’s issues (including rural development, women and labour and legal rights), especially in Pakistan and South Asia.