1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Nicolas M. L. Bovay

Former Information Officer

Trained as a jurist and journalist, Nicolas Bovay joined the Institute's Publications and Dissemination Unit in November 2000 and served as the Institute's Information Officer through June 2005.
Prior to joining UNRISD, Nicolas worked as a journalist, jurist, spokesperson, speech writer and editor. He organized and participated in fact-finding missions in countries of the former Soviet Union with a view to promote human rights and the rule of law. He has experience as a legal researcher and an editorialist, specializing on diplomacy, war and civil and ethnic conflict in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Asia and Africa, as well as international, domestic and commercial legal affairs. He studied law, international human rights law and humanitarian law, political science, art and journalism and is the author and co-author of articles in daily news outlets and specialized journals. He has contributed chapters for edited volumes on a range of contemporary human rights and international humanitarian law issues.