1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Nicola Yeates

Collaborating Researcher

Nicola Yeates is a collaborating researcher for the New Directions in Social Policy Project. She also collaborated with UNRISD for the project Social Policy in Development Context (2000-2005), for which she authored a paper Globalization and Social Policy in a Development Context Regional Responses (2005). At the time of her collaboration, Yeates was Professor of Social Policy at The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK. She has worked in France, Ireland and Switzerland. She specializes in social protection, labour and gender issues in national and cross-national contexts and issues of 'globalization' as it relates to social policy. Her most recent work adopts a transnational perspective, and focuses on international trade, labour mobility and social protection. One aspect of this centres on migrant care labour and global care chains. The second strand to this work centres on the relationship between transnational structures of trade governance and social protection.