1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Peter Lloyd-Sherlock

Former Collaborating Researcher

Peter Lloyd-Sherlock worked as the the External Research Coordinator for the UNRISD Project on Ageing, Development and Social Protection. He also collaborated with UNRISD on the project on Pension Funds and Economic Development, for which he co-authored a paper on Pension Reform in Bolivia: Two Models of Income Security in Old Age.
At the time of his collaboration with UNRISD, Lloyd-Sherlock was Lecturer in Social Development at the School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia, UK. He has previously held lectureships at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and the University of Glasgow. His main area of research has focused on ageing and development, including issues such as livelihood strategies of poor older people, ageing and health, and social security reform. He has research interests in other areas of social development, including health sector reform in Latin America, and equity impacts of public expenditure. He has been involved in research projects in Argentina, Brazil, Thailand, South Africa, Vietnam and Bangladesh.

Key publications include Old age and poverty in the developing world. The shanty towns of Buenos Aires, London, Macmillan (1997); P. Lloyd-Sherlock (ed.) Healthcare reform and poverty in Latin America, Institute of Latin American Studies and Brookings Institution (2000); "Financing health services for pensioners in Argentina: a salutary tale", accepted for publication in the International Journal of Social Welfare for late 2002/early 2003; “Formal social protection for older people in developing countries; three different approaches”, accepted for publication in the Journal of Social Policy 31(4), October 2002; “Old age and poverty in developing countries: new policy challenges”, World Development 18 (12) (2000).