1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Patience Mutopo

Former Collaborating Researcher

Patience Mutopo participated in the UNRISD workshop "Gender and Agriculture after Neoliberalism", contributing a presentation on the role of women in Zimbabwe’s agrarian structure in the aftermath of the Fast Track Land Reform Programme.
At the time of her collaboration with UNRISD, Mutopo was a researcher at the Cologne African Studies Centre, University of Cologne (Germany). She holds a PhD from the University of Cologne, an MPhil in the Theory and Practice of Human Rights, from the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, an MSc in International Relations and a BSc Hons in Politics and Administration from the University of Zimbabwe. She has worked for the United Nations World Food Programme as a Field Monitor and a focal person for the gender and development unit 2003- 2004. Her research interests are women and adolescent girls' reproductive rights, the nexus between rights based approaches to development, natural resource management, environmental, political and social governance. She is also interested in state and non state obligations in protecting, fulfilling and promoting human rights, and is an active advocate for gender mainstreaming.

Notable publications by Patience Mutopo include:

A Rights Based Approach to Reproductive Health in Zimbabwe (2011, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing)

"Women trading in food across the Zimbabwe–South Africa border: experiences and strategies" (2010, Gender & Development, vol. 18, no. 3)

"Women's struggles to access and control land and livelihoods after fast track land reform in Mwenezi District, Zimbabwe" (2011, Journal of Peasant Studies, vol. 38, no. 5)