1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Valeria Esquivel

Former Research Coordinator

Valeria Esquivel joined UNRISD in August 2014 as Research Coordinator on Gender and Development. In her role, Valeria was responsible for conceptualizing, developing and managing research on gender-related issues of concern for the UN system and other stakeholders within the framework of the UNRISD Research Agenda.

Prior to joining UNRISD, Valeria was Associate Professor of Economics at the Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina, and Researcher for CONICET, the Argentine National Research Council. In the past, she collaborated with UNRISD for the project The Political and Social Economy of Care (2006-2009) as part of the Argentinian research team.

An internationally recognized feminist economist, Valeria’s academic work cuts across the fields of labour markets and social policy, notably on issues of unpaid work, time-use and care. She has also done work on gender-aware macro-economics, particularly in Latin America. Her approach has always been multidisciplinary, and she is equally familiar with quantitative and qualitative research tools. Much of her work emphasizes the importance of framing and of knowledge production from the South.

After completing her Bachelor’s degree in Economics at the University of Buenos Aires, Valeria continued her postgraduate studies in the United Kingdom, obtaining her Master’s degree and PhD in Economics from the University of London.

Selected Publications:

Multimedia: Realizing Care Policies' Transformative Potential

Photo: Jordi Vaqué