1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Asep Yadi Suryahadi

Former Collaborating Researcher

Asep Yadi Suryahadi joined the research team for the project Towards Universal Social Security in Emerging Economies project. He has a PhD in Economics from the Australian National University and an MA in Economics from Pennsylvania State University. At the time of this collaboration with UNRISD, Suryahadi held the position of Director of the SMERU Research Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Selected publications:

'The Effects of Location and Sectoral Components of Economic Growth on Poverty: Evidence
from Indonesia', Journal of Development Economics, 89(1), pp. 109-117, May 2009 (coauthor:
Daniel Suryadarma and Sudarno Sumarto).

5. 'Measuring Unemployment in Developing Countries: The Case of Indonesia', Labour, 21(3),
pp. 541-562, September 2007 (co-author: Daniel Suryadarma and Sudarno Sumarto).