1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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José Carlos Marques

Former Research Analyst

José Carlos was a Research Analyst at UNRISD from May 2006 to May 2008. He worked on the Markets, Business and Regulation research programme.
Research interests included the: 1) links between business strategy and public policy; 2) determination, consolidation and influence of business interests on government policy-making in comparative perspective; 3) political economy of Corporate Social Responsibility; 4) impact of industry structures upon private governance and standards.

Prior to joining UNRISD, José Carlos worked as a Business Analyst, Project Manager and Group Manager in several organizations within the IT and aviation industries, and the NGO sector. He holds a MSc in Development Management from the London School of Economics and Political Science, a Graduate Certificate in Electronic Commerce from McGill University, and a Bachelor of Administration from Concordia University. Currently residing in Switzerland, he has lived in Brazil, Canada and the UK, and worked in Germany, Poland, Singapore and the US. Fluent in English, French and Portuguese.


Marques, José Carlos. 2008 (forthcoming). When Does Business Contribute to Progressive Social
Policy and Inclusive Development? Programme Paper, No. 5 - Markets, Business and Regulation
Research Programme. UNRISD, Geneva.

Utting, Peter and José Carlos Marques. 2008 (forthcoming). Business, Social Policy and Corporate
Political Influence in Developing Countries - Proceedings and Policy Implications. Conference News - Markets, Business and Regulation Research Programme. UNRISD, Geneva.

Marques, José Carlos. 2007. Organized Business and Progressive Social Policy in Comparative
Context. Paper presented at: Business, Social Policy and Corporate Political Influence in Developing Countries. Geneva, Switzerland, 12-13 November 2007. UNRISD.

Marques, José Carlos. 2007. Regulation Theory in a Development Context.Presented at:
Future Routes for Regulation Theory, Lausanne, Switzerland, 22-23 March 2007. Université de
Lausanne & Centre d'économie de l'Université de Paris nord.

Garside, Benjamin, Thomas Hills, José Carlos Marques, Carolin Seeger and Veronika Thiel. 2005.
Who Gains from Sugar Quotas? International Economic Development Group (IEDG) Working Paper Series. Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London.