1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Peter Dorner

Former Collaborating Researcher

Peter Dorner collaborated with UNRISD for the project Grassroots Movements and Initiatives for Land Reform from 2000 to 2001 and authored the Discussion Paper: Technology and Globalization: Modern-Era Constraints on Local Initiatives for Land Reform, 1999. For the UNRISD project The Social Dynamics of Deforestation in Developing Countries, he co-authored the UNRISD Discussion Paper: Land Tenure and Deforestation: Interactions and Environmental Implications, 1992.
At the time of his collaboration with UNRISD, Peter was Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics at the Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is author of Latin American Land Reforms in Theory and Practice, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1992.