1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Kelly Stetter

Former Research Analyst

Kelly joined UNRISD in March 2015. As a Research Analyst, she assists Research Coordinator Ilcheong Yi with the Social Policy and Development programme.

She holds Master's degrees in Development Studies (Graduate Institute, Geneva, 2016) and Latin American and Caribbean Studies (New York University, 2013). Most recently, her thesis research examined linkages between education and industrial policy in Chile. Her previous work studied NGO-led service provision in Haiti following the 2010 earthquake. She received her Bachelor's degree in Anthropology and Linguistics from New York University in 2009.

Kelly has a diverse professional background. Notably, she has worked as Program Administrator for International Relations at New York University and as Research and Editorial Advisor at the Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations in New York. In addition to her work at UNRISD, she has also conducted research for the ILO on gender and minimum wage legislation in emerging market economies.