1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Matthew Lockwood

Former Collaborating Researcher

Matthew Lockwood collaborated with UNRISD for the project UNRISD's Contribution to the Forth World Conference Women, 2000, for which, he co-authored the paper Gender and the Expansion of Non-Traditional Agricultural Exports in Uganda, 2000. For the project Gender, Poverty and Well-being, he co-authored the paper Gender in the World Bank's Poverty Assessments: Six Case Studies from Sub-Saharan Africa, 1999.
At the time of his collaboration with UNRISD, Matthew worked on issues of gender and economic policy in Africa. He undertook doctoral research into the relationship between household economy and family structure in Tanzania in the 1980s, with further research on family structure and environmental risk in Nigeria, gender relations and economic theory, demographic change in Africa, and gender relations in World Bank assessments of poverty in Africa.