1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Kil Soon Yoon

Collaborating Researcher

At the time of collaboration, Kil-Soon Yoon was a doctoral student at the management of co-operatives in Sungkonghoe University (SKHU) in the Republic of Korea (ROK). Her research interests include co-operative governance, statistics on the social economy, and social impact measurement of the social economy. As a researcher, she has participated various research projects on the social economy and co-operatives in ROK, including 'A Study on the Performance Analysis and Development Plans of the Integrated Support System for the Social Economy at Autonomous Districts in Seoul' and 'A Study for the Development of Integrated Indicators for Measuring the Social and Economic Values of the Social Economy in Korea'. She collaborated with UNRISD for the project on Policy Systems and Measures for the Social Economy in Seoul.