1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Michael Blowfield

Former Collaborating Researcher

Michael Blowfield collaborated with UNRISD on the flagship report Combating Poverty and Inequality (2010) for which he wrote a background thematic paper, Business, Corporate Responsibility and Poverty. At the time of this collaboration, Blowfield was a Senior Fellow at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
His main research areas are business transformations in an era of climate change and resource constrained economies. He has worked as an academic and consultant in the field of corporate social and environmental responsibility with a particular focus on the socio-political context of corporate responsibility, and the role of business in society. As well as a number of policy papers for the British government, the European Commission, the United Nations and the World Bank, he has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals for business and development audiences.