1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Maurizio Ferrera

Former Collaborating Researcher

Maurizio Ferrera collaborated with UNRISD for the project "Social Policy and Democratization", from 2002 to 2005, for which he wrote a case study "Democratization and Social Policy in Southern Europe: From Expansion to "Recalibration" (Draft).
At the time of his collaboration, Maurizio was Professor of Social and Labour Market Policy at the State University of Milan.

Ferrera’s field of research is comparative social policy. He is the author of various books and journal articles. In English he has published Rescued by Europe? Social and Labour Market Reforms from Maastricht to Berlusconi (with E. Gualmini, Amsterdam University Press, 2004) and “European Integration and National Social Sovereignty” (appeared in Comparative Political Studies, August 2003).