1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Fenneke Reysoo

Former Collaborating Researcher

Fenneke Reysoo was a speaker at the UNRISD Seminar Series, presenting her research at an event entitled Men, Where are the Women? Swiss Agriculture 'Under' Gendered Eyes. She also collaborated on the joint project between UNRISD and the Graduate Institute Gender and Agriculture After Neoliberalism in July 2012.At the time of her collaboration with UNRISD, Reysoo was a faculty member at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID, Geneva). She has conducted anthropological research with a critical gender perspective on issues of reproductive rights and population dynamics (Morocco, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mexico and South Africa), masculinities and sexualities (Mali and Mexico), Islam and development cooperation (Burkina Faso) and child-relinquishment from birthmothers’ perspectives (the Netherlands and Viet Nam). Key publications by Reysoo include:'Mother at one blow, and yet not' Research into demographic and socio-economic characteristics and motives of women who surrendered their child for adoption between 1998 and 2007 in the Netherlands (2011, with P. Bos and A. Werdmuller). Den Bosch: FIOM (in Dutch)Coopération internationale et renouveau de l'islam au Burkina Faso (2011, with F. Samson and I.Cissé), Leiden: IRP-project research reportN’'est pas mère qui veut. Le paradoxe de l’adoption internationale, Nouvelles questions fémininistes, 30/1, numéro spécial sur “La production d’enfants: une injonction ambivalente”, (2011, with P. Bos) Commodification of the female bodies in Bamako, Mali. Gender, globalization and the trap of the incentive for continuous consumptionTijdschrift voor Genderstudies 12(4), 2009 (in Dutch)Reproductive rights violations: A comparison of export-oriented industries in Mexico and Morocco, in T. Davids and F. Van Driel (eds.), The Gender Question in Globalization. Changing Perspectives and Practices. London: Ashgate, 2005.