1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Doreen Akiyo Yomoah

Former Communications Consultant

Doreen joined UNRISD in April 2015. She manages the Social Protection and Human Rights platform and coordinates Beyond Binary: Safeguarding Trans* People’s Rights, working closely with Director Paul Ladd. Prior to working at UNRISD, Doreen worked as a freelance writer in Dakar, Senegal. She has written for The Atlantic, The Guardian, NPR, and the Women's Media Center.

Doreen has a Bachelor's degree from Michigan State University and a Master's degree in peace studies from the University of Bradford. Her Master’s thesis was entitled
Are Reparations a Reasonable and Effective Means of Addressing Past Human Rights Abuses? Her research areas of interest are gender, critical race theory, human rights and environmental justice.