1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Keitseope Nthomang

Former Collaborating Researcher

Keitseope Nthomang collaborated with UNRISD in 2012. At the time of his collaboration, he was a lecturer of Social Policy and Community Practice at the University of Botswana. Keitseope has a Masters degree and a PhD in Social Work from McGill University, Canada and the University of Queensland, Australia respectively.
Nthomang has participated in various research projects including: A social policy project sponsored by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada, focusing on Southern and Eastern Africa; HIV/AIDS project sponsored by the Human Sciences Research Centre, Capetown, South Africa and a project on Capacity Development for Delivery of Remote Area Dweller Programme, sponsored by the Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA). He has been a consultant for UNDP, BIDPA, Government of Botswana, African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Programme (ACHAP) and NGOs/CSOs in Botswana. Nthomang has published several journal articles, book chapters and professional reports in the field of community practice, social policy and HIV/AIDS in Botswana. For the UNRISD project, he is writing a case study on Botswana.