1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Jordi Via-Llop

Collaborating Researcher

Jordi Via Llop has been the Commissioner for the Cooperative, Social and Solidarity Economy and Consumption of Barcelona City Council (2015-2017). He is an expert in cooperativism and social and solidarity-based economy, with training in economic sciences from the University of Barcelona and in Business Organisation Analysis from Esade.
He is a founding member of Arç Cooperativa (1983-2020). He has been the responsible for worker cooperatives in Catalonia (vice-president and president of the Federation of Worker Cooperatives from 1991-2002), Secretary General of the Confederation of Cooperatives of Catalonia (2001-2002), and member of the Council of Economic and Social Work of Catalonia (2001-2002), member of the constituent commission of the Global Network of Solidarity Socioeconomy and of the international commission of the World Social Forum (2001-2002) and of the Solidarity Economy Network of Catalonia (2003-) and president of FETS (Association for the Promotion of the Ethical Finance System).

Co-author of The cooperative dimensión. Solidarity economy and social transformation and Solidarity economy for a free Catalonia, published in Icària editorial.