1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Kameni Chaddha

Research Consultant

Kameni joined UNRISD in January 2020 as a Research Intern. She is part of the Social and Solidarity Economy team (SSE), assisting Senior Research Coordinator Ilcheong YI on various SSE projects including the "Sustainable Development Performance Indicators" and "Promoting SSE through Public Policies: Guidelines for Local Governments". She became Junior Research Consultant in May 2020.

Kameni graduated in July 2019 with a Bachelors of Arts degree (Hons) in French Studies with History from The University of London Institute in Paris. She is currently pursuing a Masters degree at The Graduate Institute of Geneva in International Affairs with a Major in Global Security. Prior to interning at UNRISD, Kameni worked with different Organisations and was also the Students' Union President at her former University. Kameni looks forward to contributing research related to the Social and Solidarity Economy during her time at UNRISD.

She will be happy to answer any questions in English, French and Hindi.