1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Matteo Tarasco

Research Consultant

Matteo joined UNRISD in October 2018 as a Research Intern to assist with the Social Dimensions of Sustainable Development Programme, in particular with the project “Sustainable Development Impact Indicators for For-Profit Enterprise and Social and Solidarity Economy”. He became Junior Research Consultant in April 2019.

Prior to joining the UNRISD team, Matteo worked at the European Commission at the Directorate-General Education and Culture, first as Trainee, and then as Temporary Agent, on projects and policy reviews related to youth and training, lifelong learning, active citizenship, and education for sustainable development.

Matteo holds a joint Master’s degree in Global Studies obtained at the University of Freiburg, the University of Cape Town and Chulalongkorn University of Bangkok, as well as a Master's degree in Psychology from the University of Turin. He also holds a Postgraduate degree in NGOs' Management from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. During his studies, Matteo conducted research on the Social and Solidarity Economy in Brazil, and the psychology of political orientation.