1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Jem Bendell

Former Visiting Fellow

Jem Bendell collaborated with UNRISD on the project Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy. In May 2015, he participated in the UNRISD workshop on Social and Solidarity Finance: Tensions, Opportunities and Transformative Potential where he was a speaker and wrote a working paper for the project. Earlier, he also collaborated on the projects Business Responsibility for Sustainable Development 2000-2005, and Social Responses to Inequalities and Policy Changes 2006-2008. He has written three programme papers.

For over many years, Dr. Bendell has been involved in, advised on, analyzed and written about corporate and NGO responses to the challenges of globalization. An Adjunct Professor of Management, with two books on cross-sector relations, and a column in the Journal of Corporate Citizenship, he is a leading commentator on business and sustainable development.

His research interests have been i) trends in responsible business and finance ii) social movement influence on the governance of markets, public-private partnerships and iii) consciousness, leadership and social change. His theoretical contributions are civil regulation theory, partnering theory, stakeholder democracy theory, and capital accountability theory.