1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Heejin Ahn

Former Intern (Research)

Heejin joined UNRISD as Research Intern in September 2017. She assists Senior Research Coordinator Ilcheong Yi and Research Analyst Suyeon Lee with the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) programme and in particular with the project: The Case of Social Economy in Seoul, South Korea.

Heejin is a Master's candidate in Development Studies at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, specializing in human and social development. She is passionate about topics including informal economy, gender and entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa. Prior to arriving in Geneva, she worked for the University of Florida's (UF) Young Entrepreneurs for Leadership & Sustainability (YELS) Summer Programme and at the UF Sahel Research Group as a programme assistant.

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Florida, with minors in French and African Studies.