1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Francie Lund

Former Collaborating Researcher

Francie Lund collaborated with UNRISD for the project on The Political and Social Economy of Care (2006-2009). She has been part of the South African research team. At the time of her collaboration, Lund was the part-time coordinator of the Social Protection Programme of the global research and advocacy network, WIEGO – Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing. Her main research interest for a number of years has been the shifting boundaries between the state and the private sector in social provision, and the implications this has for women’s paid and unpaid work. She was a Senior Research Associate at the School of Development Studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, in Durban, South Africa, where she has specialized in social policy.

Lund is particularly interested in the interaction of quantitative and qualitative research methods in exploring what really goes on in households, and in how people report on the informal work that they do. She was closely involved with health and welfare policy reform in the transition from apartheid to democratic rule in South Africa. In 1994 she was asked by the new government to chair the Committee of Enquiry into Child and Family Support (‘the Lund Committee’). The Committee’s work resulted in the introduction in 1998 of a cash grant to young children in poor households.

Selected recent publications:
Lund, F. 2002. ‘Crowding in care, security and micro-enterprise formation: revisiting the role of the state in poverty reduction, and in development’, Journal of International Development, 14(6): 681 - 694

Lund, F. 2005. ‘Gender and social security in South Africa’, in Padayachee, V (ed.): The Development Decade? Economic and social change in South Africa 1994 – 2004. Cape Town: Human Sciences Research Council.

Chen, M., Vanek. J., Lund, F. and Heintz, J. with Jhabvala, R. and Bonner, C. 2005. Progress of the World’s Women: Women, Work and Poverty. New York: UNIFEM.

Adato, M., Lund, F. and Mhlongo, P. 2007. ‘Methodological innovations in research on the dynamics of poverty: a longitudinal study in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa,’ World Development, 35(2) 247 – 263

Lund, F. 2006. ‘Working people and access to social protection’, in Razavi, S. and Hassim, S. (eds.): Gender and social policy in a global context: Uncovering the gendered structure of ‘the social’. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

Lund, Francie. 2008. Changing social policy: the Child Support Grant in South Africa. Cape Town: HSRC Press (freely downloadable from HSRC Press website).