1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Anne Jenichen

Former Collaborating Researcher

Anne joined UNRISD in December 2007 as the Boell Research Fellow in the Religion, Politics and Gender Equality project. As part of her work on this project she co-wrote the introduction to the 2010 special issue of Third World Quarterly: The Unhappy Marriage of Religion and Politics: Problems and Pitfalls for Gender Equality. This was subsequently published in French in the volume Religion et politique: Les femmes prises au piège.
Since March 2009 she has been based at the Heinrich-Boell-Foundation in Berlin. After graduating in political science from Free University Berlin, Anne participated in the PhD research training group “Gender Dynamics in Violent Conflicts” at the Gender Studies Centre, University of Bremen. Prior to joining UNRISD, she pursued her doctoral research on advocacy processes in the field of women’s rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Brudnick Center on Violence and Conflict at Northeastern University in Boston. Her main research interests include international institutions; women’s movements; the formation and effects of women’s rights and gender equality policies, particularly in post-war states; secularisms/public religions and their impact on gender equality.