1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Martina Piras

Former Intern (Research)

Martina joined UNRISD in April 2019 as a Research Intern to assist with the Social Dimensions of Sustainable Development Programme, in particular with the projects “Sustainable Development Impact Indicators for For-Profit Enterprise and Social and Solidarity Economy” and “Social and Solidarity Economy Knowledge Hub for the SDGs”. Her main contributions revolve around the organization of two international conferences on these topics as well to research assistance.

Martina holds a Bachelor Degree in International Economics and Management from Bocconi University, Italy. She is currently enrolled in the Master in Development Studies at the Graduate Institute of Geneva, Switzerland, where she majors in migration studies with a minor in global health. Her prior experiences include research assistance in Bocconi University for a project on mergers and acquisition, investment bank reputation and fairness opinion. She also interned in a microfinance bank as an assistant to the CFO, working in corporate strategy, corporate governance, research on microinsurance and research on impact investment fund regulation in the EU.