1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Rebecca Pearse

Former Collaborating Researcher

Rebecca Pearse was collaborating with UNRISD on the Think Piece Series “Let's Talk about Women's Rights: 20 Years after the Beijing Platform for Action”. She co-authrered a think piece with Raewyn Connell with the title "Gender Norms: Are they the Enemy of Women’s Rights?".
At the time of this collaboration, she was a research assistant at the University of Sydney. Her recent work on gender includes a co-authored revision of Raewyn Connell’s Gender: In World Perspective (3rd edn, 2015). Rebecca’s other interests include climate and energy activism, and the political economy of environmental change. She has published articles in Global Change, Peace & Security, Ephemera, Carbon Management, and the Journal of Australian Political Economy. Rebecca has taught courses in environmental politics and political economy at the University of Sydney and University of Technology Sydney (UTS).