1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Ralph R. Premdas

Former Collaborating Researcher

Ralph R. Premdas collaborated with UNRISD for the project Ethnic Structure, Inequality and Governance of the Public Sector (2007), for which he authored a book Trinidad and Tobago: Ethnic Conflict, Inequality, and Public Sector Governance, Palgrave 2007. At the time of his collaboration, Premdas was a Professor of Public Policy at the University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago. He holds PhDs in Political Science (Illinois 1970) and Comparative Religion (McGill1991). He has taught formerly at Universities of Toronto, Canada, University of Papua New Guinea, and California (Berkeley), USA. His research focus is comparative ethnic politics; multi-culturalism and migration. His publications include eighteen monographs and books, and over a hundred refereed articles and book chapters. His recent works are: Identity, Ethnicity and Culture in the Caribbean (2000); Ethnic Conflict and Development: The Case of Guyana (1997).