1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Santosh Mehrotra

Former Collaborating Researcher

Santosh Mehrotra collaborated with UNRISD for the project Financing Social Policy (2006-2010) for which he wrote a paper “How Can Financing of Social Services be Pro-Poor?”. He subsequently joined the research team for the project Universalization of Social Security in Emerging Economies.
Mehrotra is a human development economist. He was a lead author of India’s 11th Five Year Plan (2007-2012), and also lead the team of India Human Development Report 2011. His research interests have spanned industry and trade issues, the impact of macro-economic policy on health and education, the informal sector, and the economics of health and education. At the time of his most recent collaboration with UNRISD, he was Director-General, Institute of Applied Manpower Research, Planning Commission, Government of India.

Selected publications include:

Mehrotra, S. & E. Delamonica (2009) How Can Financing of Social Services be Pro-Poor? In Financing Social Policy: Mobilizing Resources for Social Development (eds.) Houndsmills: Palgrave

Mehrotra, S. (2000) Development with a Human Face.Experiences in Social Achievement and Economic Growth (Clarendon Press, 1997 and Oxford University Press, 2000)

Mehrotra, S. (1990) India and the Soviet Union: Trade and Technology Transfer (Cambridge University Press)