1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Carlos Pereira

Former Collaborating Researcher

Carlos Pereira joined the research team for the project Towards Universal Social Security in Emerging Economies (2012-2013). At the time of this collaboration with UNRISD, Pereira was a professor at the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration, Brazil.
Pereira has a PhD in Political Science from New School University where he also took an MA in Political Science. He has previously obtained degrees in Sociology and Medicine. His main research interest lies in examining political institutions and political economy in a comparative perspective.

Selected publications include:

Raile, Eric D; Pereira, Carlos; and Power, Timothy (2011) “The Executive Toolbox:
Building Legislative Support in Multiparty Presidential Regime.” Political Research
Quarterly, 64 (2): 323-334.

Pereira Carlos; Singh, Shane; and Mueller, Bernardo; (2011) “Political Institutions,
Policymaking, and Policy Stability.” Latin American Politics and Society; 53(1): 59-89.