1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Daniela Barrier

Former Research Analyst

Daniela Barrier was Research Analyst with the programme on Markets, Business and Regulation from 2007 to 2008. She also contributed a chapter to the UNRISD book, Global Justice Activism and Policy Reform in Europe: Understanding When Change Happens (2012).
Daniela studied Mass Communications and Journalism in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. She also holds a Bachelor and a Masters Degree in Political Science from the Sorbonne University in Paris. Her Master’s theses, entitled “La mondialisation à usage interne”, looked at globalization as rhetoric, and in particular how it penetrated the national political debate during the 2002 presidential election campaign in Brazil. Daniela was associated to the CRPS – Centre de Recherches Politiques de la Sorbonne, where she was pursuing a PhD program at the time of her tenure at UNRISD.

Prior to joining UNRISD, Daniela has had a varied working experience in international journalism (CNN, NBC, Reuters), independent film-making in Mongolia, China (Taiwan Province), Hong Kong and Brazil, and grassroots activism (founder of and active in several NGOs concerned with migration and gender issues).

Before Geneva, Daniela has lived and worked in Novo Hamburgo, Porto Alegre, London, Hong Kong, Paris, and New York.