1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Anna Williams

Former Collaborating Researcher

Anna Williams collaborated with UNRISD for the project Political and Social Economy of Care, 2006-2009. At the time of her collaboration, she was a Programme Analyst with the Office of HIV/AIDS at the United States Agency for International Development . Her specialty areas include gender (in relation to care and to the influences of economic inequality on sexual behaviour patterns), multi-sectoral analysis and programming, and monitoring and evaluation.
Prior to joining USAID, Anna was involved in a variety of grassroots movement building efforts to strengthen poor women’s roles in social and political development processes. She also has worked on public health and development research projects with the WHO, UNDP, UNICEF and the non-profit organization Public Health Solutions in New York. She holds a Master of Arts in International Affairs from the Graduate Program in International Affairs at The New School, USA.