1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Jude Esguerra

Former Collaborating Researcher

Jude Esguerra collaborated with UNRISD for the project Commercialization, Privatization and Universal Access to Water 2003-2004. At the time of his collaboration, Esguerra was the Head of the Economics Research Department at the Institute for Popular Democracy (IPD) in Manila and a PhD candidate at the School of Economics of the University of the Philippines where he has been studying concession contracts for water supply service in Manila.

After the Asian financial crisis Mr. Esguerra was hired by the ILO and the World Bank for the analysis of the welfare impact of the macro-economic shock of the financial crisis on workers and their households. He co-wrote a paper on equity and efficiency issues pertaining to income-support programs for the unemployed and the under-employed in the Philippines.