1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Jordi Garcia-Jané

Collaborating Researcher

At the time of collaboration, Jordi Garcia Jané was a member of the Barcelona communication cooperative L'Apòstrof, as well as an activist, writer and lecturer on issues related to cooperativism, the social and solidarity economy and economic and social alternatives. He collaborates with several publications in the cooperative field (Nexe, Cooperació Catalana) and is the author or co-author of books such The cooperative dimension (2001), Capitalist crisis and solidarity economy (2009), Economic democracy (2011), Goodbye capitalism (2012), Solidarity economy for a free Catalonia (2013), Solidarity economy in 100 words (2017) and A guide to the social market (2019). The Collaborating Researcher was commissioned to author a case study as part of the Public Policy for SSE Guidelines project.