1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Robert Boyer

Former Collaborating Researcher

Robert Boyer is a long-standing UNRISD collaborator. Most recently, he collaborated with UNRISD for the project inception workshop for New Directions in Social Policy, 2014. For the workshop, he wrote the draft paper “Welfare States and Institutional Complementarity: From North to South".
Mr. Boyer was also involved in the project Poverty Reduction and Policy Regimes (2007–2010) for which he wrote a background thematic paper, Growth Strategies and Poverty Reduction: The Institutional Complementarity Hypothesis. At the time of this collaboration, Boyer was Professor and Director of Studies at l’EHESS in Paris and co-organizer of the PhD programme on Institutional Economics.

Mr. Boyer has previously been a member of the Scientific Council of the Saint Gobain, Centre for Economic Studies, President of the Research and Regulation Association and member of the Council of Economic Analysis in France (1997-2001). He has attended numerous UNRISD events, contributed to many case studies and written various papers.