1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Ann Whitehead

Former Collaborating Researcher

Ann Whitehead collaborated with UNRISD for the project Agrarian Change, Gender and Land Rights (2000-2002), for which she co-authored papers Gender and the Expansion of Non-Traditional Agricultural Exports in Uganda (2002), and Gender in the World Bank's Poverty Assessments: Six Case Studies from Sub-Saharan Africa (1999). At the time of her collaboration, she taught anthropology, gender and development at the University of Sussex, UK. She has written extensively on the effects of economic change on gender relations, especially with respect to sub-Saharan Africa. Earlier work relevant to the land papers for UNRISD includes an important article on gender and property and the work analysing World Bank policy and policy discourses with respect to poverty and gender.
Ann Whitehead has undertaken longitudinal research based on several periods of fieldwork in marginal savannah communities in NorthEast Ghana. She has also researched English rural communities. Her publications include Gendering Poverty: A Review of Six World Bank African Poverty Assessments (with Matthew Lockwood) in Development and Change (1999); Continuities and Discontinuities in Political Constructions of the Working Man in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: The 'Lazy Man' in African Agriculture in the European Journal of Development Research (2000) and From Uncertainty to Risk: Poverty, Growth And Gender in the Rural African Context (co-authored with Naila Kabeer) IDS Working Paper (2001).