1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Manuel Montes

Former Collaborating Researcher

Manuel Montes wrote a think piece for the Road to Addis series. He presented an UNRISD Seminar on Institutions, Governance and Policy Space: Redesigning the International Economic Architecture for Development.
At the time of his collaboration, he was Senior Advisor on Finance and Development at the South Centre in Geneva. He was previously Chief of Development Strategies, UN-DESA, where he led the team that produced the World Economic and Social Survey (WESS) in 2011. Before that, he was Chief of Policy Analysis and Development in the UN’s Financing for Development Office; and Programme Officer for International Economic Policy at the Ford Foundation in New York. He has held teaching and research posts at the East-West Centre, University of The Philippines, Institute for Developing Economies, UNU/WIDER, and Institute for Southeast Asian Studies. His recent publications have been in areas of macroeconomic policy, development strategy, income inequality, climate change financing and industrial policy. He holds a PhD in Economics from Stanford University.