1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Terence Cox

Former Collaborating Researcher

Terence Cox collaborated with UNRISD for the project Participation and Changes in Property Relations in Communist and Post-Communist Societies,1990-1994. For the project, he co-published, with Bob Mason, a book Social and Economic Transformation in East Central Europe: Institutions, Property Relations and Social Interests, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1999. Terence later on collaborated with UNRISD for another project Social Policy and Democratization, from 2002 to 2005.
At the time of his collaborations, Terence was Reader in Central and East European Studies at the University of Glasgow, UK, and was appointed Editor of Europe Asia Studies (from summer 2005). His research interests include the social impact of economic transformation and state – society relations in Eastern Europe.

Terence's publications include: Trends and Developments in East Central European Industrial Relations (with Bob Mason), Industrial Relations Journal, vol.31, no.2, 2000; ‘Interest Groups and the Development of Tripartism in East Central Europe’ (with Bob Mason), European Journal of Industrial Relations, vol.6, no.3, 2000; ‘Government-Interest Group Relations in Hungarian Politics Since 1989’ (with Laszlo Vass), Europe Asia Studies, vol. 52, no.6, 2000; ‘Civil Society and Interest Representation’ (with Laszlo Vass) in G. Lengyel and Z. Rostovanyi (eds.), The Small Transformation: Society, Economy and Politics in Hungary in the New European Architecture, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 2001; Communication and Consultation in Public Space (with Jolan Ronta and Laszlo Vass), Szazadveg Kiado, Budapest, 2002; ‘The New History of the Russian Peasants’, Journal of Agrarian Change, vol.2, no.4, 2002; ‘Changing Societies: Class and Inequality in Central and Eastern Europe’ in S. White, J. Batt and P. Lewis (eds.), Developments in Central and East European Politics 3, MacMillan, London, 2003; ‘Social Aspects of Post-Communist Economic Transition in Hungary’, Proceedings of the Scottish Society for Russian and East European Studies, Glasgow, 2004.