1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Cécile Cherrier

Former Collaborating Researcher

Cécile Cherrier is a development professional and a PhD candidate in Governance and Policy Analysis at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. Her research at UNRISD focuses on the politics of revenue mobilisation for social transfers in aid-dependent countries. In 2015, she wrote a paper for the project on the Politics of Domestic Resource Mobilization, on the effect of aid on domestic resource mobilization for social transfers in low-income countries.
Cécile has served as a consultant to the European Commission, the World Bank and various United Nations agencies. She previously acted as a researcher at the UNICEF Office of Research and the Economic Policy Research Institute. Cécile also worked as a humanitarian programme coordinator and advisor in various parts of the world.

Recent publications include:
2013. ‘Making the Investment Case for Social Protection: Methodological challenges with lessons learnt from a recent study in Cambodia’ (with F. Gassmann, A. Mideros and P. Mohnen), Working Paper 2013-06. UNICEF Office of Research, Florence.

2012. ‘Social transfers in the fight against hunger: A resource for development practitioners’ (with N. Freeland), Reference Document N°14, European Commission, Luxemburg: Publications Office of the European Union.