1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Rosemary Atieno

Former Collaborating Researcher

Rosemary Atieno collaborated with UNRISD for the project on Social Policy in Late Industrializers: Sub-Saharan Africa and the Challenge of Social Policy (2004). For this project she analyzed social policy as it related to health, water and sanitation in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
At the time of her collaboration with UNRISD, Atieno was a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi, Kenya. She has a BA and MA in Economics from the Univeristy of Nairobi and a PhD in Agricultural Economics from Univeristy of Giessen, Germany.

Her research interests are in development policy, with a focus on rural development and poverty issues. Rosemary Atieno was the leader of the technical team writing on the theme "Addressing Social and Economic Disparities" in the Kenya Human Development report 2001.