1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Stéphane Portet

Former Collaborating Researcher

Stéphane Portet collaborated with UNRISD for the project Gender Justice, Development and Rights, 2000-2002 and on the Religion, Politics and Gender Equality project, 2007-2009. For the latter project he co-wrote a chapter with Jaqueline Heinen, Reproductive Rights in Poland: When Politicians Fear the Wrath of the Church, which was subsequently published in French in 2012. At the time of his collaboration, he was working on a thesis in sociology on the gender dimension of part-time work in France and Poland. He was in charge of research at the University of Warsaw for the European network “Women in European Universities”, Poland, and a member of Sagesse-Simone group at the University of Toulouse-le-Mirail, France. His work includes “Le temps partiel fait-il toujours mauvais genre? La dimension sexuée du travail à temps partiel en France et en Pologne” (mémoire de DEA, University of Toulouse-le-Mirail, 1999); “Intégration de la Pologne à l'Union européenne et rapports de genre” (with Jacqueline Heinen, Lien social et politique RIAC, n° 45, 2001).