1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Britta Sadoun

Former Research Assistant

Britta Sadoun joined UNRISD in April 2004 and left in December 2005. She worked on the project on UN World Summits and Civil Society Engagement and assisted in the programme on Civil Society and Social Movements.
Britta completed her MA in international relations and social anthropology at the University of Tuebingen. In her thesis she analysed the participation of NGOs at the World Summit against Racism in 2001. While studying, Britta spent some time in Amman, Jordan, where she undertook a research on domestic violence against women and lived in Cairo for a while. Prior to joining UNRISD she worked in Brussels in a lobby organization. She also assisted the office for migration and integration of foreigners at the municipal level. She developed projects and programmes for migrants and co-authored a biannual report on the work.